
Cooking and Entertaining don't have to be hard - Have a listen...

Vickie’s Turkey Tips – a Podcast
Please listen to my great ideas for making your thanksgiving dinner more enjoyable. Just in time for Thanksgiving planning. (I tried to be modest but I can’t. They are great ideas!)

Spices and Herbs – a Podcast
Is this the thing most people fear about cooking? Seasoning your food? Listen as Vickie shares some thoughts and her go-to spices and herbs. She’s like a seasoning philosopher. Please LISTEN here or on your favorite podcast channel and don’t forget to share!

Presentation – a Podcast
A quick reminder to make your meals look interesting! This is my “Presentation” spiel taken from the video of the same name. I am trying to convince you that a colorful plate tastes better. Listen to this then add some interest to your next meal. Trust me it works! Please LISTEN here or on your

Getting a Feel for Food – a Podcast
Getting a feel for food. This podcast is taken from my video of the same name. Part of knowing how to cook is understanding how food cooks. Please listen as I explain it in my own goofy way!

Stacey my Cousin – Former Cook, New Chef – a Podcast
Please enjoy my cooking conversation with my Cousin Stacey, I sure did! I loved hearing about her experiences and new adventures in cooking. I love her laugh plus she just got done burning some bread so I feel better about myself! It’s inspirational and fun. Please listen and share!

My Friend Mary – the Recipes – a Podcast
Part Two of my Podcast with Mary. Mary my friend is so much fun, (listen and you will see), she’s my one friend that is up for anything. She squeezes the most out of life and that includes cooking. She makes cooking an adventure. Part two is her in-depth conversations with recipe ideas for the

My Friend Mary the Fearless Cook – a Podcast
My Friend Mary the Fearless Cook. Mary, my friend, is so much fun, (listen and you will see), she’s my one friend that is up for anything. She squeezes the most out of life and that includes cooking. She makes cooking an adventure. Her passion is really motivating. Please listen to the next upcoming episode

Cooking Talk With My Brother – a Podcast
A fun conversation with a man that likes to cook, my Brother. He likes kitchen gadgets and cook books just like me. Please listen to hear some interesting insights on my questions. It’s always good to hear different ways to look at things. Please listen and share!

Meal Planning – a Podcast
Meal Planning for Regular People In this podcast, I share my food rules that I use to help plan meals and make my dinners be a little more creative. I also talk about the series of lists I use as reminders when I feel stuck. My hopes are that you will hear a few common-sense ideas

Dinner Guest Etiquette – a Podcast
Guest Etiquette – Kind of like reverse entertaining. Listen to my rules on being a good guest There are only a few, after all we just want to have a good time!

Timing Dinner – a Podcast
What if there’s only one of you, you have no help, and you’re going to make and serve four or five things for dinner? Hopefully you’ve already started getting a feel for meal prep. You need to know how long an item is going to cook, and you can organize your cooking time, and how

Meals and Entertaining with Karen Who Really Does Not Like Cooking
An honest conversation with my sister-in-law Karen who NEVER cooks. Her goal is to cook for her family but something is stopping her. Listen as we try to figure out why and how to help her. Listen by clicking the arrow below, or visit our Subscription page for a list of Podcast apps we are

Meals and Entertaining with My Mom – How it all started!
My first official podcast conversation with the person that started it all, Donna Turner my Mom! We begin with asking 12 questions about her experiences making dinner and entertaining and reminiscing on all the great meal ideas she created. Listen by clicking the arrow below or visit our Subscription page for a list of Podcast

Meals and Entertaining with Mick – a Podcast
We begin with a practice session with Husband Mick (AKA Honey) asking 12 questions about his experiences making dinner and throwing parties. Listen by clicking the arrow below, or visit our Subscription page for a list of Podcast apps we are available on.