So, here’s a funny story.
Way back when, when I was about nineteen years old, my friend wanted to have a dinner party. Pretty sophisticated for nineteen, I should say. She had cut a recipe out of the newspaper and wanted to try it. It was called Beef Burgundy. It was great and she gave me a copy. I have been making Beef Burgundy for years, eventually transferring cooking to a crock pot from braising on the stove.
So here is the funny part.
I was watching the movie Julie and Julia and Amy Adams was making Julia Childs’ Beef Bourguignon. I said, “Wait a minute. Isn’t that Beef Burgundy?” I never put two-and-two together. Julia’s recipe is slightly different but not significant enough to change mine.
I have been accidentally cooking like a gourmet French chef since I was nineteen.
I was fancy all these years and didn’t know it – isn’t that funny?
Here is the original 43 year old recipe cut out of a newspaper:
Have fun making it!