About Vickie
My Mission
I want to teach you how to cook, you can get recipes everywhere, but how you plan and execute a meal. My goal is to get you comfortable enough about foods, knowing how they react that you can cook meals without a recipe. To become a more intuitive cook. I also want to teach you why to cook a meal and I can help you what to cook. Lastly, Meal planning. It is my Jam.

About ME
My name is Vickie and I am an above average cook. My ego wants me to say I am a great cook but I will start out humble and you decide. I’m not a chef and I am self-taught (well, my Mom got me started). But I make meals that are above average and I can show you how.
I can help three types of people. One, people just starting out with learning to cook. Two, those that don’t enjoy cooking but have too. Three, those people that want to have more fun entertaining.

Vickie Sharples is a 62 year-old list maker. She is been happily married for 36 years to Mick aka Honey. She has no children and a dog named Dog. She lives in Southern California. She had a small stroke in 2018 and by 2020 she decided it was her job that gave her the stroke. She decided to quit and devote her time to cooking and giving lessons on list making, meals and entertaining. She is convinced that she has tips that you are interested in. Let’s prove her right.